Best Wood for a Wood Burning Stove
While all wood burns, it doesn’t all burn the same. Some woods burn slower, hotter, and even leave less ash behind (also known as burning clean).
At Green Ridge Forest Products, a good amount of our customers harvest wood in order to use in their wood burning stoves to keep warm all winter.
A lot of times, they want to know which woods will be the most beneficial to harvest come wintertime.
There are two types of firewood to consider: hardwood and softwood.
Hardwood Firewood
Hardwoods such as maple, oak, birch, and most trees that grow fruit are great for burning in a wood stove, as they tend to burn hotter and longer.
This saves you the stress of having to load wood into the stove as often as you would with a lower temperature burning wood.
On the other hand, these types of wood are typically more expensive due to the high quality burn they give off.
Softwood firewood
In terms of pricing, softwood is the most cost-effective wood you can buy. Options for softwood include fir, pine, balsam, spruce, cedar, and more. Softwoods usually burn faster, meaning you’ll likely have to restock your wood burner rather frequently.
While this may not be ideal, it is definitely the most cost-effective option. This works great for those who may only use their wood burner on occasion, or don’t run it for long periods of time.
Other things to consider
While the type of wood you use in your wood burner is completely up to you, there’s one thing you shouldn’t compromise on — the dampness of the wood. Dry wood is always the right choice!
When you burn wood that isn’t properly dried, you’re bound to get much more smoke and much less heat.
Make sure you store your wood by stacking it and covering only the top for good air circulation. Be sure to only use safe wood, free of any paint, varnish, or other hazardous materials.
When you choose to harvest timber, you’re making a natural investment in the environment, your property, and are even making a quick profit! It pays to know the type of wood you’re harvesting and all its potential uses.
When you choose to harvest timber, you allow Green Ridge Forest Products to help you do this in a way that is beneficial to your property and also promotes new regrowth all while giving you more space to enjoy with friends and family!
For more information, click below to get a free quote for services.