Is Pennsylvania wood eco-friendly?
When it comes to environmentally conscious building materials, there may not be anything better than Pennsylvania wood. Not only is it a completely renewable resource– but Pennsylvania's strict parameters on harvesting ensure it will remain that way for a very long time. When you're looking for a building material that's both durable and plentiful, with a nice sprinkle of renewability sprinkled in, there's no better recipe than old fashioned timber. Just how eco-friendly is wood you ask? Well, there's a reason more and more manufacturers are turning to it for large scale projects (and as a replacement for metals).
Wood won't ever run out.
We mentioned this in a previous post, but we're mentioning it again because it's just that important to note: mankind has never, ever harvested more wood than the growth rate. In fact, we haven't even come close. This means that for all intensive purposes, as long as we continue to harvest intelligently and ensure we're making way for trees to be replaced once we've removed them, we will always have an entirely sustainable resources that can withstand what we need and then some. With other materials, you have to worry about just how many resources will be depleted to make them. With wood, that's not an issue.
Wood is easily recycled.
Try lugging a metal piece of framework to the recycling plant. It won't work. Wood, on the other hand, can be recycled easily and affordably, and has so many uses that it's virtually impossible not to find a way it can be used again. Steel and concrete are non renewable and contribute greenhouse gases that can be catastrophic for the environment over time. As a renewable, recyclable resource, wood barely gives off any gasses at all (and it actually absorbs carbon, which reduces the amount of this dangerous gas in the atmosphere). When it comes to being good for the environment again and gain, you'd be hard pressed to find anything better than wood.
Producing wood products is more effective for the environment
Unlike producing metals and concrete, producing wood products is simple and actually eliminates any need to waste materials. That's because wood product production can be powered almost entirely by– you guessed it– wood. Sawdust, bark, and other wood byproducts can be used to power the machines used to process even the most resource-heavy products. There's no other product on the planet that can power itself– and do such an efficient job of it!
When it comes to the question of whether wood is eco-friendly or not, the answer is a resounding yes. As a building material, wood is perhaps the most renewable, affordable, and eco-friendly product on the market. If you're considering sourcing wood products for your next project, don't hesitate to turn to our professionals for all of your wood needs!