Selling Timberland: Why Clear-Cutting is Not the Way to Sell
When it comes time to sell timber or to sell the timberland, sellers typically want to get the most bang for their buck. They inquire which option is better: cutting the timber and selling it separately from the land or selling the timber and the land at the same time.
What is Clear-cutting?
Clear-cutting is when an entire portion of a forest is cut. With clear cutting, no tree is left standing and includes the harvest of hardwoods in addition to pines. There is also select-cutting which is when certain species of trees or trees at a certain maturity are chosen for harvest.
The Character of the Land
TImberland will have more character with the timber still on it, making it easier to market for future sales. If you cut down the trees, the land will be harder to sell because all of the character has been taken away. In turn, clear-cutting the timberland will take a longer time to sell and there will be some difficulties in trying to sell at a price you would like. Clear-cut land will sell for a lower price-point than land with timber on it.
Health and Condition of the Forest
Proper forest management will allow for timberland to be properly taken care of. Being active in forest management could address any forest health problems and will increase growth rates driven by species composition or forest-stocking conditions. Studies show that returns from well-managed stands with properly scheduled harvests are significantly higher in value than similar unmanaged stands.
Take into consideration the conditions of the tree, which include the size (volume) and grade (quality) of the tree. While these factors do not affect the prices of the market, they do assist in the sale of your timberland. Trees in good condition will be more attractive to sell. Therefore, make sure you actively manage your forest and see if the trees meet the desired conditions.
At Green Ridge Forest Products, we can assist in the forest management process of your land. We've been purchasing, selling, and managing timber for decades-- and it's this experience that makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your timber land and increase both the value of your timber and the overall health of your trees.
By employing strategies honed over decades of management, we can expertly identify problem areas within your land and help you weed them out quickly and effectively. Additionally, our team of appraisers can help you judge the value of your timber before selling, and even offer recommendations for future tree hauls.
If you’re looking to sell your timberland, don’t hesitate to reach out to Green Ridge Forest Products and we’ll get you started. We’ll help you get the right price for your property!